Berger Picard: The Rare and Rustic French Shepherd Dog

The Berger Picard is a medium-sized dog that has been herding sheep for centuries. It belongs to the herding group of dogs. You may have seen these dogs in the movie “Because of Winn Dixie,” but they are very rare in the U.S. They have a unique look that makes people notice them and ask, “What kind of dog is that?” The Berger Picard is also called the Picardy Shepherd. It has a playful appearance, a smart mind, and an independent spirit.

Physical Characteristics: 

The Picard is a strong and muscular dog that has a rough and messy look. It has a thick and curly coat that can be brown, gray, or striped. It has brown eyes, pointy ears, and a cute smile. It usually weighs between 50 and 70 pounds.

Personality and Temperament: 

The Picard is a kind and friendly dog, according to the American Kennel Club. It likes people and children, but it can be shy around strangers. It is alert, loyal, and good at guarding. The Picard needs to socialize with other people and animals, as the Berger Picard Club of America suggests. The club also says that owners should spend time with their dogs, take them out, and introduce them to new places. The Picard can get along with other pets, but it depends on how they act. The Picard can be stubborn, but it wants to make its owners happy and learns well with positive training. The Picard does not bark a lot.


The Picard is a lively and smart dog that needs a lot of exercise to stay happy and good. It needs a family that can play with it and keep it busy. The Picard is not for people who like to sit on the sofa or who cannot move much. The Picard likes to walk, swim, and run. It can run with its owners who ride bikes. The Picard has a coat that can handle bad weather. It likes to hike even when it rains or snows. The Picard is easy to groom. It does not lose much hair, but it needs to be brushed once a month to avoid knots. It also needs to be washed sometimes. The hair near the ears should be trimmed to make the dog look tidy.


The Picard lives for about 12 to 13 years. It can have eye problems like cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy, which makes the eyes worse over time, like in humans. The Berger Picard Club of America says that owners should take their dogs to the eye doctor. The Picard can also have hip problems. There may be more health issues that we don’t know yet, because this breed is new in America.

History and Background:

The Picard is a French dog that comes from Picardy, a place in northern France. It is a shepherd dog that came from old dogs that herded sheep in France long ago. People made pictures of these dogs in the old times. The dogs almost died out when Picardy was ruined by two big wars. In 1925, France said that the Picard was a real breed. Later, some Picards came to America. People in America who liked these dogs found them online from Europe. The AKC said that the Picard was a real breed in 2015.

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